Vital Signs and Normal Values:
It is important to know what is normal so we can learn to recognize later on what is abnormal. Some general observations are mostly true. The smaller the pet, the faster the heart rate is. In the hospital, techs will usually perform TPR and take your pet’s weight even before you see the doctor. This routine is a good sign that your vet’s offices do not cut corners and the staff are highly trained and empowered. They are not replacing your vet but simply augmenting his capabilities.
TPR and their respective normal values are:
• Temperature for dogs: 100 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit; for cats: 100 to 102.
• Pulse or heart rate: large dogs: beats per minute; small dogs: ; cats: 100 to 140.
• Respiratory rate: 16 to 40 breaths per minute for dogs and cats.
Other things you can check at home are the gums. Pink and moist is what you want to see. Dry and tacky might mean dehydration or illness. Eyes should not be bloodshot or yellow. A dry nose, contrary to popular belief, might not mean a pet is ill. On the same note, a wet nose does not guarantee wellness.
Age Comparison
Seven years! We all grew up knowing that. Pretty close!